RADICORE v1.13.0 released

This version contains the addition of a dropdown control which allows multiple selections, and the ability to add javascript to selected pages.

This version contains the following updates:

  • added a multi-select dropdown list to the library of HTML controls supported by the framework.
  • updated XAMPLE schema to include a new column called 'favourite_food' to demonstrate a multi-select dropdown list. This uses the MySQL column type of 'set' and the PostgreQL type of 'array'.
  • updated DICT schema to include a new column called 'col_array_type' on the 'dict_column' table. This is for use on PostgreSQL databases where 'col_type' = 'array' and 'col_array_type' identfies the type of elements within the array, such as 'char', 'varchar', 'integer' or whatever. You will need to import /radicore/dict/sql/mysql/alter_table(2006-08-01).sql to make the change.
  • an example multi-select dropdown list is now included in the "Update Person" screen in the "Example System" prototype.
  • added initial support for javascript into the framework. This will allow various pieces of javascript code and events to be defined inside table classes for inclusion in the XML document so that they can be built into the HTML document by the XSL transformation.
  • added $GLOBALS['force_javascript_footer'] to file CONFIG.INC which writes the javascript footer manually in the HTML document as it is sometimes not written automatically (don't ask me why).
  • added an extra screen to the "Example System" prototype called "Update Person (js)" which uses javascript to show a calendar control for the choosing of dates.
  • added an extra screen to the "Example System" prototype called "Update Person (js2)" which uses javascript to show the FCKeditor control. This is available as a navigation button within "Update Person (js)". You will need to import /radicore/xample/sql/xample.menu_export.sql to see these new tasks on the navigation bars.

Published: 09 August 2006