RADICORE v1.94.0 released

This version contains some bug fixes and enhancements, which includes a small change to the way column rdcaccount_id is used.

This version contains the following changes:

Database changes:

- none

Other changes:

  • modified 'dict_column.class.inc' so that when importing column definitions it does not nullify existing values for 'align_hv' or 'align_lr'.
  • fixed bug in 'mnu_subsystem_s01.class.inc' (Export Subsystem) which escaped the " (double quote) character which caused such strings as '<a href="...">' to be corrupted when reloaded.
  • fixed bug in 'mnu_subsystem_s01.class.inc' (Export Subsystem) which caused data for mnu_user_role to be labelled for the mnu_initial_value_user table.
  • updated the 'fileupload1' pattern to include a call to getExtraData() so that the messages can be customised.
  • modified the use of rdcaccount_id so that access to a table's data depends on the value in the user's MNU_USER record:
    • if NULL then the user can read data for any account but can only add/update/delete records for rdcaccount_id=1 (the shared account)
    • if = 1 then the user can only read/add/update/delete data for the shared account
    • if > 1 then the user can read data for that account and the shared account, but can only add/update/delete records for that non-shared account
  • modified 'std.validation.class.inc' to use the filter_var() function for email addresses and numbers.

Published: 01 April 2016