RADICORE v1.53.0 released

This version contains a few bug fixes and enhancements.

This version contains the following changes:

  • modified error handler so that it only displays verbose error messages when the server is 'localhost'. Verbose messages will still be sent to file 'errorlog.html' and emailed to the system administrator.
  • fixed bug in 'runInBackground()' function which failed to pass back any error message to the calling function.
  • fixed bug in 'std.filepicker1.inc' which failed to process the 'selectall/unselectall' options.
  • fixed bug in 'initialise()' function within 'std.table.class.inc' which incorrectly replaced $where with $selection.
  • modified search screen so that a dropdown list or radio group can be temporarily converted to a MULTIDROP. This will allow multiple options to be selected instead of just one, and will result in SQL similar to the following being inserted in the WHERE string: "field IN ('option1','option2','option3',...)".

Published: 01 November 2009